Cause of death: Fell over a precipice (Millard Family History site)

PALL MALL GAZETTE 12 August 1899 - Funeral at Sierre: Berne, Saturday – Further despaches from Zinal, state that the remains of Miss Bridge of Brighton, who was killed by a fall on the Alp Lirec, were conveyed to the new chapel, where an imposing funeral service was held on Thursday evening. The body was conveyed to Sierre where the internment will take place this afternoon. There will be a service previously in the English chapel at which the deceased’s brother, Vice Admiral, Sir Cyprian Bridge will be present. The accident has caused a profound sensation amongst the visitors staying in the locality. The numerous wreaths of Alpine flowers form a conspicuous feature in the chapel. * An article in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette of 12 August identified the deceased as Miss Christiana Bridge (From the Bridge-Rhodes Tree on