Sarah was possibly born in Hatfield Broadoak, Essex, England about 1595. If that was the case, her father was Christopher Scott of Hatfield Broadoak. Sarah married Thomas Graves in England about 1615. The first record of her husband is in Hartford, Connecticut in 1645, but they probably came to America sooner than that. It has been claimed that they emigrated because of religous reasons. After they settled in Hartford, apparently another religous schism caused them to move to Hatfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts around 1660. In Hatfield, they lived with their son Isaac. Thomas died in Hatfield in 1662. Sarah died in Hatfield on December 17, 1666, and is buried in the Center Cemetery in Whatley, Franklin County.
Source of information:
"Ancestry of Col. John Harrington Stevens & Frances Helen Miller" by Mary Lovering, Concord, NH, 1948, page 367-8;
"Thomas Graves, 1645 Settler & His Descendants" by Kenneth Vance Graves, Wrentham, Mass, 1985, page 10-15. TAG 82:108
Suggested edit: Her surname should be SCOTT per ''The American Genealogist (TAG)'' Vol. 82(2007):109, where she is listed in her father's will:
"I geve to my Dafter Sara the wife of Thomas Grave the some of fife pounds to be Equally Devided Amoung she and her Children mary grave Isaake John Elzebeth and Nathanell when thay com of the age of xxj yeares to be paid within One yeare after my Desese."