New Orleans Times-Picayune, 6 Aug. 1942, page 2, col. 8:

SHAW -- At Dutch Guiana on Saturday, August 2, 1942, ARTHUR MONROE SHAW. Memorial services to be held at the late residence, 1622 Cadiz street, Thursday, August 6, 1942, at 4 o'clock p.m.

Interment was in Paramaribo.

New Orleans Times-Picayune, 28 April 1948, page 2, col. 8:

On August 2, 1942, at Paranaribo (sic), Surinam, COLONEL ARTHUR M. SHAW Engineer Reserve husband of Henrietta Otis; father of Dr. Frances S. Lansdown of New York city, Richard M. Shaw of this city, Mrs. James H. Ward of Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., and Mrs. Frederick W. Steinberg of San Antonio, Tex.

Interment in Hope Mausoleum, St. John cemetery, April 27, 1948.