Buried with his granddaughter, Mary Abernathy.
---- Obit:
The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Thurs., Dec. 2, 1897, p. 3, col. 4.
Passing Of A Pioneer.
Eliakim Stoddard Dies After a Short Illness of Pneumonia.
__At 6:30 this morning occurred the death of Eliakim Stoddard, an honored and respected pioneer of Linn county, at his home, 1321 Third avenue West, of pneumonia. Mr. Stoddard was taken ill on Thanksgiving day and his condition rapidly became serious.
__Deceased was born in New York, February 1, 1829, removing to Wisconsin while yet a young man. On June 11, 1855, he was united in marriage with Mary Snow, at Lowell, and shortly thereafter removed to this county, where, with the exception of three years, they have since resided. He is survived by four daughters and one son, Mrs. S. W. Baer, Mrs. D. W. Abernathy and Miss Bessie Stoddard of this city; Mrs. F. J. Gosse of Chicago, and Elmer Stoddard, also of this city, but whose whereabouts are not known at this time. The only son left home a few days ago without saying where he was going, and an effort is being made to locate him. Mr. Stoddard is also survived by one brother, Wells Stoddard of this city, and two sisters Mrs. John Bailey of LaPorte and Mrs. Robert Garrett of Riverton.
__Deceased was a lifelong member of the Methodist church, being a member of Trinity at the time of his death. He was universally respected for his many good qualities. The funeral will be held at the residence Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. F. L. Loveland officiating. Interment at Linwood.
The Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, Fri., Dec. 3, 1897, p. 3, col. 3.
__E. W. Stoddard of Bristow, Iowa, arrived last evening to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Elikam (sic) Stoddard.
Feb. 1, 1829
Dec. 2, 1897.