Mrs. J. H. Audsley Passes Away Monday Afternoon at Her Home North of Sharon.

The many Slater and East Saline friends of J. Hamner Audsley were sorely grieved Monday afternoon at the sad news that his wife had passed away after but a short illness kidney trouble and complications, aged 30 years, nine months, and 11 days.

Mrs. Audsley had not been feeling well for several weeks and just recently her physician had advised that she be careful with her diet. She had been up and about, however, with her usual household duties. Monday morning she grew suddenly worse. The end came about three in the afternoon. The remains will be taken to Blackburn, her former home, where the funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Curtius, conducted by Reverend N. E. McCoy.

Deceased was born near Carrollton, Ill., and I came to Saline county with the family when but a child. Blackburn had been her home before her marriage last October 16, to Mr. Audsley.

Since coming to this community she had endeared herself to the hearts of all who knew her and the entire community extend to the bereaved husband and his two children their deepest sympathy and condolence.

She was a member of the Bethel Baptist church, having joined there last winter being baptized at the Slater Baptist church.

She was an only sister of Mrs. Joe Auer, of this city, and had visited frequently in their home before her marriage. Besides the sister, her parents, and one brother survive, Ben Curtius, and L. B. Curtius and wife, near Blackburn.

The Slater News, June 28, 1921, Page 1. via Newspapers.com (https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-slater-news-obituary-for-georgene-ro/149472872/ : accessed June 16, 2024), clip page for Obituary for Georgene Rosalie (nee Curtius) Audsley, aged 30 years by user kriend

Missouri Death Certificate #16458

Age 30 years, 9 months, 11 days

(Death certificate does not list her first name, only 'Mrs. Hamner Audsley".)