It is impossible to determine the facts of this family with certainty. Findagrave says that Sarah was the stepmother of John Walker Aldrich, indicating that Sarah's second husband, Henry Aldrich, had a previous wife with whom he had at least one child. Sarah's first husband, James Duffel, died in 1858. So unless Sarah and James had gotten a divorce, or which I can find no record, it appears that Sarah and Henry married sometime between 1858 and June 1860, since their son Hubert was born March 1861. I find no record of Henry's first marriage, or of the marriage of Sarch and Henry, although in the 1860 census Henry and Sarah are listed together along with children Aaron, age 9, eliza, age 7, and Rebecca Peck, Sarah's mother. As a further entanglement, John Walker Aldrich, son of Henry A;drich by his unknown first wife, married the daughter of Sarah's brother Winthrop Peck (Laura Peck). So Sarah's stepson married her niece.