Death Certificate:
Father: John William Alger
Mother; Martha Young
Informant: Mrs. Iona Warthen of Big Timber, Montana

Obituary, Big Timber Pioneer, May 9, 1968
Services Held For Mrs. Harris
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at two from the Lowry Chapel for Mrs. Martha Harris, 81, who passed away Sunday morning at the Columbus Nursing Home. Her death was attributed to a stroke.
Elder Vernon Rang of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of Livingston officiated at the service, Burial was in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Myrtle Sell furnished organ music and accompanied Mrs. Maurice Falanagan, who sang "Beautiful Isle" and "All My Father".
Pallbearers were Norman Hauge, Ronald Dahl, Bill Kinsey, Bill Pedula, Jim Snodgrass, and Archie Little.
Martha Harris was born Nov. 17, 1886, in New Mexico territory, a daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John W. Alger. She lived at Cliff, N, M. until her marriage to John W, Harris, Nov 14, 1901, at Silver City, N.M.
She was preceded in death by her husband in 1913. She moved to Utah and lived there until 1918, then moving to Arizona. She came to Big Timber in July 1967 and lived with her daughter.
Survivors include one son Edd Laveir, Glendale, Ariz; a daughter. Iona Warthen, Big Timber; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.