WESTFIELD - Ralph Pillo of Port Reading, brother of Joseph Pillo of Westfield, died July 10 at Roosevelt Hospital, Port Reading.

Born in Hartford, Conn., he resided in Port Reading for 38 years. He was a former custodian in the Woodbridge Township School System, and a member of St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church.

Mr. Pillo also is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clementine Simeone Pillo; two daughters, Mrs. Julia Dwyer of Edison and Mrs. Arlene Mucki of Woodbridge: another brother, Floyd Sterphone; two sisters, Mrs. Virginia Buttillo of Bethlehem, Pa., and Mrs. Jen Brown, Millville; and five grandchildren.

Obituary can be found in Westfield Leader, July 22, 1971, page 4