Mrs. Julia Sterphone, aged 42, wife of Joseph Sterphone, 545 Westfield avenue, died Saturday morning in her home.

She was born in Italy, and came to this country twenty-seven years ago, settling in Westfield.

Besides her husband, she is survived by nine children, Ralph Pillo, Joseph Pillo, Charles Sterphone, Floyd Sterphone, Virginia, Albert Sterphone, Alfred Sterphone, Adacio and Gene; three step-children, Felix Sterphone of Gerard of Ohio; Mrs. Clara Parella of Plainfield; Mrs. Freda O'Brien of Elizabeth; two brothers, Thomas and Anthony Micco of New Haven, Conn. and three sisters and a brother in Italy.

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in her late home and at 2 p. m. in the Italian Mission on Prospect street. Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery.

Obituary can be found in Westfield Leader, April 19, 1933, page 5