Funeral services for Joseph Sterphone, of 545 Westfield avenue, were held Tuesday morning in Gray's Funeral Home with the Rev. Fred E. Miles, minister of the First Methodist Church officiating. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery.

Mr. Sterphone, former foreman of the old Aeolian Co. in Garwood, died Saturday morning in Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield after a long illness.

Before his retirement a year ago, he was employed as a machinist in the Diamond Expension Bolt Co. in Garwood. He was a member of the Third Ward Political Club and the Italian Methodist Church.

A native of Italy, he had lived here for 53 years.

His wife died in 1933.

He is survived by eight children, Philip of Ohio; Mrs. Freda O'Brien of Westfield; Charles of Port Reading; Alfred of Elizabeth; Albert of Plainfield; Floyd of Plainfield; Mrs. Virginia Buttillo of Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Jean Brown of Millville; two step-sons, Ralph Pillo of Port Reading and Joseph Pillo of Westfield; three sisters, Mrs. Grace Bandy and Mrs. Anna Pasquarella of Westfield and Mrs. Mary Giandomenico of California; two brothers, Frank and George Sterphone of Girard, Ohio; 30 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Obituary can be found in Westfield Leader, April 7, 1949, page 4