Born in Pietrastornina, Avellino, Campania, Italy. Arrived in the U.S. at New York May 3, 1906 abourd the Nord America.

Published in Independent Leader
January 30, 1958

PORT READING - Funeral services for Peter Simeone, 74 Fourth Street, were held this morning at 8:30 from the Greiner Funeral Home, Woodbridge, with a solemn requiem Mass offered at St. Anthony's Church. Burial was in St. James Cemetery, Woodbridge.

Mr. Simeone, 80(?), died Monday at his home after a lengthy illness. He was a native of Italy, resided in Port Reading for more than 50 years, and had retired in 1943 from the Reading Railroad Company after 37 years of employment.

A communicant of St. Anthony's Church and a member of the Columbus Society, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lucy Parente Simeone; five daughters, Mrs. Gilda Coppola, Mrs. Ralph Pillo, and Mrs. Carmen D'Alessio, Port Reading; Mrs. Frank De Rosa, White Plains, N.Y., Mrs. James Barsi, Woodbridge; four sons, Michael, Julius and Armondo, Port Reading; and Rocco, Clark; 21 grandchildren.