Countess of Etheletela and Tynedale
Daughter of Bethoc Ingen Domnail Bain and Uctred Lord of Tynedale
Grand daughter of King Donald Bain III of Lochaber and Badenoch
Great daughter of King Duncan II and heiress of King Donald Ban III
Buried in Moulin, Scotland.

After the death of Richard Comyn, Hextilda married Malcolm MacMadadh, the Earl of Atholl, by whom she became the maternal Grandmother of Kellehathonin "Mor" Gillichattan, who appears in the Liber Vitae Ecclesia Dunelmensis as the son of Bethoc, daughter of Malcolm MacMadadh the Earl of Atholl, by Hextilda the heiress of the line of King Donald Bain.
Kellehathonin "Mor" Gillichattan is the Clan Chief Gillichattan, whose descendants, the Clan Chatton of Lochaber and Badenoch, were long at feud with the Comyns over rival land claims in the fifteenth century