(Obituary below from Sunday, November 29, 2015 San Antonio Express-News and MYSA.com)

AUGUST 16, 1921 – NOVEMBER 22, 2015

John W. Collins III, age 94, a retired Army Brigadier General, died Sunday, November 22, 2015.

General Collins was born in Demopolis, Alabama on August 16, 1921. He graduated from Demopolis High School, attending Marion Military Institute for one year prior to his appointment to the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. At West Point he participated in baseball and football, and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Infantry upon graduation in June 1943.

His initial assignment was with the 106th Division, which he accompanied to Europe. In 1946, he was assigned to Nanking, China as Assistant Military Attache. Additional assignments were at Wentworth Military Academy in Missouri, several tours at Ft. Benning, Ga., the Pentagon, the Army War College, Headquarters European Command in Paris and later Stuttgart, Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division, VPI (ROTC), Korea as Assistant Division commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, and as Chief, Military Advisory Group in Ethiopia. His military education included Ft. Benning, Ft. Leavenworth, the War College, and an MBA from Syracuse University.

His 30 years of military service as an Infantry and Airborne officer included combat duty in Europe, Korea and Vietnam. In his troop duty assignments, he served in every leadership position from Platoon to Assistant Division Commander. His numerous decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Legion of Merits, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, Purple Heart, the Combat Infantryman's Badge with Stars, Parachute Badge, and Air Medals. He was also inducted into the Alabama Military Hall of Honor.

After retirement in 1973, he worked for the Greater Miami Bicentennial Organization. In 1977 he joined his old friend, Dr. Meredith Mallory Jr., in San Antonio. They worked together for many years.

He was married to Virginia Mowry and Jean Jerome.
General Collins had a large appetite for life! He thoroughly enjoyed and excelled at tennis, squash, golf, and poker. He hunted both small and large game on 3 continents, and fished the lakes, rivers and oceans with gusto, at one point catching a 264 lb. Nile Perch. He traveled the globe for work and for pleasure, finding adventure, culture and friendships.

One of his greatest pleasures in life were his many wonderful friends, who he valued beyond measure.

He was a strong and unforgettable presence in the lives of his family and friends. A consummate storyteller, a natural leader, a loyal friend, a generous patriarch, his candor was legend, and his capacity for good times and good company prevailed to the end.

He is survived by his daughters, Beverly Collins of Ashland, Oregon and Judy Jones of Birmingham, Alabama; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and is lovingly remembered by Kate Coderre, Jenny Jerome, Colby and Emily Adams.

He and his family extend heartfelt gratitude to his caregiver of many years, Juana Rosas, and to Isabelle and Mary.

A reception in his honor will take place at the Club Giraud on January 13th, 2016, 6-9 pm. General Collins will be cremated and buried in a historical cemetery in Gallion, Alabama. There will be graveside services.

He often remarked that he had had a most fortunate life. He will be well remembered by many far and wide, and missed by all. A rich life well lived!

"Take him for all in all he is a man. I shall not look upon his like again." Shakespeare