Walter Horace May, a native and life resident of Wilmington died Tuesday at 10 p.m. at Putnam Memorial hospital, Bennington. Mr. May was admitted to the hospital Wednesday, Nov 4, and underwent a serious operation. Funeral arrangements have not been completed but it is presumed the services will be held in the church at West Dover. Mr. May was born in June, 1884, one of the three children of Horace and Sarah (Chase) May. He married Miss Bessie Woffenden and they have one son, Ralph, who lives in West Dover. Mr. May was a farmer by occupation and up to the time of his death conducted the farm which has been owned by the family for three generation. During the winter months he was engaged in log driving. Survivors besides his wife and son, Ralph, include two sisters, Mrs. Floyd Woffenden of Wilmington and Mrs. Clarence Plumb of Whitingham, a granddaughter, two nieces and two nephews.
The Brattleboro Reformer, 12 Nov 1942