Lord of Bamburgh. Earl of Dunbar. Some say he died a Monk at Durham (www site : Directory of royal genealogical data).aka Gospatrick (Moncreiffe, Iain. The highland clans. NY : CN Potter, revised ed., trees on lining papers).
Installed 1068/9 by William the Conqueror, King of England, as Earl of Northumberland after his payment of a heavy fine or what would now be thought of as an entrance fee (though his hereditary claim through his maternal grandfather also played a part), later (Oct. or Nov. 1072) deprived pf the earldom on a charge of having taken part in a massacre at Durham; fled to Scotland, where his cousin Malcolm III granted him the Mormaorship of Dunbar (American presidential families. New York : Macmillan, 1993, 45. West of Oban, western Scotlandpg. 46).