See details for Samuel's father Samuel for a discussion of questions surrounding marriages in this family. Samuel is mentioned in brother Thomas' 6/18/1690 will (Book of Wills, Book 2, pg. 88, film 279. Bermuda Archives).
"Association Oath Rolls, British Plantations, 1696, Bermuda als Somer Islands in America" (!bmuwgw/oathrolls.html) lists a Samuel Dunscombe in Pembrook (sic) Tribe.
Ann Dunscombe, wife of Samuel Jr., is named as a beneficiary of the will of Ann Bond, widow of Rev. Sampson Bond, dated May 26, 1702. Samuel Dunscombe is executor of the same will, probate Jan. 16, 1704 (Book of Wills, Book 2, 3,2, p. 22 - Bermuda Archives)
Reference to Samuel Dunscombe's land in Pembroke, in indenture dated Feb. 6, 1712, abutting on that of John Neewman, John Hanger, and Cornelius Hinson (Comp. Vols. 12, p. 343 - Bermuda Archives).
A petition of 1708 regarding various local policies in existence lists a Samuel as a general inhabitant of Bermuda (Hallet correspondence, 3/2/2001)
A Samuel is listed in an assessment of 1727 to raise money for the repair of fortifications, resident of Hamilton Parish (Hallett correspondence, 3/2/2001).