Will of Thomas Dunscombe:
will dated 14 Apr 1688
In the name of God, Amen. I Thomas Dunscomb (?) of Bermuda being of Sound and perfect minde and memory praise bee therefore given to Allmighty God Doo make and ordain This my last will and testament in manner and forme following: That is to say: first and principally I (commend?) my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God hopeing through the (meritts?) of Christ my Saviour to have full and free pardon of all my sinns and to (whorif?) Everlasting life. And my body I wish to bee (?) buried at the discretion of my (Executors?) hereafter named. And as (?) the disposal of all (such?) (severall?) (Estate?) as it hath pleased Allmighty God to bestow (on mee?) I give and bequeath thereof as followeth.
(Firstly?) I will that my (debts?) and funerall (charges?) shall be paied and discharged. Item I give unto my daughter Hannah Richardson the present wife of John Richardson and to her heires for ever a Negroe girl called Sue or Susanna. Alsoo I give to my daughter Rebecca Richardson the present wife of Joseph Richardson and her heires for ever a Negroe Man called Black Jo: Alsoo I give to my daughter Mary Ballinger the present wife of John Ballinger and her heyres forever a Negroe girl called Moll or Mary. As for the rest of my servants by name Jo a Negroe boy, Christopher a Negroe boy, Jack a Negroe Man ((now?) (out?) of the land on a voyage) and Nann a Negroe woman I give and bequeath to the use and service of my wife Ann Dunscomb during her naturall life, and that my said wife shall (if (?) should require) have liberty to sell any the Negroes aforesaid for her (?) provided my Sonn Thomas Dunscomb afor after my (?) (heirs?) of Jack or Nanas aforesaid. And if Jack dyes on the voyage (then?) of any of the other Negroe (?) by him (?) shall not be sold but shall (remaine?) (?) possession and service of my said wife till her naturall life Ends. And then bee (resigned?) to the use and Service of my Sonn Thomas as aforesaid and his heires forever. And I will that after the decease of my said wife The aforesaid Servants bequeathed to her use during her life or (which?) thereof remaine shall bee equally (disposed?) among my (sonn?) and daughters aforesaid and (theire?) heires. And my goods and (possessions?) (that?) I (have?) to the use of my said wife Ann Dunscomb during life and to be equally divided among my Sonn and daughters aforesaid after her decease. : Item: I will that if Jack the Negro Man aforesaid makes a voyage the proffits thereof shall bee to my said wife during her life and equally distributed as aforesaid after her decease. Item. I give (according to the forever right) A share of Land belonging to mee lyeing on thee Northside by Solloman Bullwards to my Sonn Thomas Dunscombe and his heyres forever. And I do hereby (?) nominate and appoint my loving and well beloved wife and Sonn Ann and Thomas Dunscombe the full and sole Executor and Executrix of this my last will and Testament. And I will that my said Sonn Thomas Dunscomb shall bee repaied whatsoever charge hee is about my burial or the like for me or my wife as aforesaid. And I desire that my body may be buried by my (owne relatives?) in Spanish Poynt Churchyard. And I doo hereby revoke disannull and make void All wills and Testaments by me (?) herebefore made. In witness whereof I the said Thomas Dunscomb to this my last will and testament (contayned?) in One sheete of paper written on (both sides?) have (?) (?) side thereof (?) my hand and do make this (fourteenth?) day of Aprill in the (ffourth?) yeare of Rayne of James the (?) King of England, Scotland, (Ffrance?) and Ireland defender of the ffaithe (?) (?) 1688.
The (scribe?) of
Thomas Dunscombe
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
Edward (Johnstone?)
Sammuell (?)
Horatio Wood
By . . . .. . (?)