Colgate, James Colby: Banker. Admitted to bar, 1887, practiced in New York, 1887-90; banker and broker since 1891. Bor May 23, 1863, at Yonkers, N. Y.; son of James Boorman and Susan F. (Colby) Colgate. Graduated in 1884 with degrees of A.B., from Colgate Univ.; 1887 LL.B., Columbia. Member of the Corpn. of Colgate Univ. since 1888. Member of the Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n Bar of the City of New York and of the University and Lawyers' Clubs. Married Miss Conkling of Bennington, Vt., June 4, 1890. Business address: 36 Wall St., N.Y. City. Home 46 W. 57th St., N. Y. City (