Will of Christopher Dunscombe, London, 1600:
In the name of God Amen. In the month of August Anno Domini One Thousand Sixe Hundred or (thereabouts?) Christopher Dunscombe of Orsett in the Countie of Essex gent being of perfect mynde and memorye did make and declare his Last will and testament (?) in manner and forme following Viz ffirste and principallie he bequeathed his soule to Allmyhtie God. And concerning his goode chattells and debte and other thinge whatsoever he willed gave and bequeathed them unto Grace Dunscombe his welbeloved wief saieng that yt was all to little for her Whome he made his sole executrix. Which woorde or the (lyke?) in (offer?) were offered, in the presence of divers and sondrie witnesses.