- [S7] Mosley, Charles. American presidential families. New York, Macmillan, 1993.
- [S10] Ancestor.org web site. Online www.ancestor.org.
- [S17] Baseball encyclopedia.. Macmillan, 1990, 8th edition.
- [S21] Bingham genealogy project. Online http://www.telusplanet.net/public/dkbing/genproj.htm
- [S45] Unknown author. Catholic Almanac. Huntintgon, Indiana : Our Sunday Visitor, 1994.. N.pub.
- [S52] Mackenzie, George Norbury. Colonial families of the United States of America.. Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1966.
- [S87] Barbara Goodrich Turnpenny interview.
- [S147] .Harold Monroe Jr. Walden web site. N.pub.
- [S152] Unknown author. Hubbell links. N.pub.
- [S175] Moncrieffe, Iain.. The highland clans. rev. ed.. New York, N.Y.: C.N. Potter, 1982.
- [S183] New Encyclopaeida Britannica.. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th edition, 1987).
- [S203] Unknown author. Reference David McGann, 1997 with National Trust Research, as per Clara Hallett. N.pub.
- [S206] Rulifson Genealogy. Online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
- [S210] Social Security Application of Kathryn Fedora. N.pub.
- [S213] SS Hypertree. Online http://www.hypertree.com/
- [S249] Unknown author. World Family Tree # 0708, 5488, 5566.. N.pub.
- [S259] Unknown author. World Family Tree # 5488, 5566.. N.pub.
- [S260] World Family Tree # 5488.. Ancestry.com.
- [S261] Unknown author. World Family Tree # 5566. N.pub.
- [S262] Unknown author. World Family Tree # 5566.. N.pub.
- [S319] Aaron Burr celebrity family tree. Online www.genealogy.com.
- [S326] Unknown editor. Webster's new collegiate dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: G&C Merriam & Co., 1977.
- [S377] Revolutionary War pension application of John Colt. P.J. Kennedy & Sons.
- [S431] Catherine Seary, interview.
- [S433] Unger, Leonard. Encyclopedia Americana. N.p.: Grolier Online, 2010, http://ea.grolier.com.db.4cls.org/article?id=0141540-00
- [S434] SS Hypertree. Online www.hypertree.com.
- [S452] Humphreysfamilytree.com. Online http://humphrysfamilytree.com/famous.descents.html
- [S454] Douglas, David C.. William the Conqueror : the Norman impact upon England. U. of California Press.
- [S455] Royal family history. Online http://www.britroyals.com
- [S459] Massie, Allan.. The royal Stuarts : a history of the family that shaped Britain.. St. Martin's Press, 2010.
- [S474] Bingham, Caroline. The Stewart kingdom of Scotland. St. Martin's Press.
- [S499] City of Roswell. Online www.roswellgov.com.
- [S557] Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Online www.encyclopediaofukraine.com.
- [S558] Celtic-casimir.com. Online www.celtic-casimir.com.
- [S560] Britroyals.com. Online www.britroyals.com.
- [S561] William Mark Turnpenny, interview. August 10, 2014, unknown informant address. Unknown repository; unknown repository address.
- [S567] History of the British Monarchy. Online royal.gov.uk.
- [S573] Geni.com. Online www.geni.com.
- [S581] Dewitt County Illinois History & Genealogy. Online http://genealogytrails.com/ill/dewitt/BIOGRAPHIES/…
- [S669] Famouskin.com. Online www.famouskin.com.
- [S935] Unknown repository address. 1850 Census. Unknown repository.
- [S1065] Hollywood Cemetery (Richmnd Va.) burial records. Online hollywoodcemeteryt.org.
- [S1299] Unknown repository address unknown repository Marriage.
- [S1425] Geneanet. Online www.gw.geneanet.org.
- [S1450] Unknown repository address. Unknown repository. Death. Unknown name of person entry.
- [S1474] Unknown repository address. Birth. Unknown subject entry.
- [S1522] Unknown repository address unknown repository Marriage.
- [S1624] Unknown repository address unknown repository unknown record type.
- [S1713] Westminster-Abbey. Online westminster-abbey.org.
- [S1714] Unknown repository address, unknown repository. Unknown file number, unknown name of person.