Some recollections by Rose:

Mom brought up that her mom's name was also spelled as Fedoriw, which is what I thought I remembered from the paper hanging on the wall of the bedroom. She had a stepsister in Long Island, but mom doesn't remember her name. It was different last name. Her pop also had a cousin on Long Island and they drove there for visits. Every weekend they would go visit different people they knew from the old country. Her mom and pop knew each other when they were kids & came here from the same village.They got married in NY, NY. Mom knows the name of the church - I forgot already. Their former villagers were also very tight and they all helped each other out.Mom said Pop used to sit on the porch and read the bible every Sunday, which is funny since Dad's mom said "Don't read the bible sonny. Only the priest can read the bible. If you try to read it you'll go crazy."
Then there is Stella's sister Mary or as I recall Chuchu Mary. well I just looked up aunt translation and that would be the Polish way of saying it - ciocia.

I asked mom about the Petro Lasoryczk (? not sure what it says) listed as the final destination on her pop's manifest. She wasn't sure. There was a friend whose name started with L but it was different and since I can't make the name out too well maybe it's the same person (collected by Mary Misura, Sept. 2013).

e-mail from Rose Misura to Ed Dunscombe, Dec. 3, 2013: " We went to Astoria LI what to me seemed like quite a bit but what did I know at that age.. My Dad always called Nicholas his brother but if you pinned him down he admitted they were cousins. I can't remember a resemblance. They were very nice people and always welcomed us. What was important to me was I would be given some change to go to the corner store for ice cream so they could visit.
Back then they and neighbors had yards so that's where i spent most of my time. There was no relative there my age. As I recall Nick and his very nice wife had a grown daughter and son but there could have been another son too. I only remember the youngest son and I think I remember his name was Bill. We also visited other relatives on my Mom's side while there. My memory of that was it was my Mom's half sister. They had a daughter who was a pianist and she'd let me pound on the piano.
It's been a long time since I even thought about those relatives."