The Shelbyville Weekly Republican
Thursday February 11, 1875
Page 3 column 2

We are in possession of the sad intelligence that Levi Bishop, formerly of this county, but latterly of Cerro Gordo, Piatt County, Illinois, died of lung fever at his home on Sunday evening.

Mr. Bishop was a brother of our fellow townsman, Cyrenius Bishop, and a gentleman in every sense.

He had many warm friends in the northwestern part of this county where he resided in his earlier years (

Thursday March 18, 1875
Page 2 column 6


Levi Bishop, a prominent citizen of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, died at his residence at 4 o'clock P.M. February 7th, 1875, aged 37 years.

Brother Bishop was a member of the Baptist church, also a member of the Order of Freemasons. An announcement of his death falls on the village with a sense of personal bereavement. Having known him in person, in private and in public life, we had learned to love and esteem him as a worthy, estimable citizen and brother.

The committee to whom, the subject of reporting resolutions on the death of Brother Bishop, would in accordance with their duties submit the following resolutions:

Resolved: That, in the death of Brother Bishop, our community has lost a worthy and estimable citizen, and our lodge a kind and faithful brother - one ever ready to contribute to the wants and distresses of the worthy poor - always kind and affable to those with whom it was his lot to be associated in every day intercourse of business affairs; honest to a fault, and integrity unquestionable and unruffled in every difficulty in life, and possessed, too, of that benevolent and genial disposition that spoke for him a goodness and kindness of character as an indulgent father, a kind and affectionate husband and a worthy brother. Characterized as he was with the qualifications that go to make the good citizen and brother, we cannot but mourn his loss as being irreparable to the community in which he lived, as well as to the order of which he was a member.

Resolved: That we deeply, sincerely and affectionately sympathize with the widow and orphans of our late brother in their afflictions.

Resolved: That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Piatt Republican and Farmer's Advocate.

J. L. Reed
E. Drum
E. Duncan
Cerro Gordo
February 22nd, 1875 (