Will of John Dunscombe, London, 1586

In the name of God Amen. The ninthe daye of Julie in the yeare of oure lorde one thousand fyve hundrethe ffouer scoore and syxe and in the eighte and twentythe yeare of the Reigne of our sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of the ffaythe (?) I John Dunscombe cytizen and marchant taylor of London beinge of perfecte mynde and perfecte of remembrance thanks be to Almightie God doo make and declare this my laste wyll and testament in manner and fforme following that ys to saye ffyrste and before all thinges I utterlie renounce and forsake this wretched worlde and all the vayne (?) and vanities therof and comytt my selfe (solie?) to the infinite mercy of Almightie God my creator and to my onlie saviour Jhesus Christe, my onelie redeemer and to the holie goste my sanctifyer acknowleginge three persons in one Almightie God besechinge him for Jhesus Christes sake my onlie saviour to pardon and forgyve me my synnes and to take me to his mercye and that I maye be a partaker of his Joyes everlastinge (?). Item I wyll that my synfull bodie be buryed withoute any pompe vayne or superfluious order onlye I wyll that at my funerall a sermon be preached for the better (instruction?) of my bretherne and the congregation then gathered together and I bequeathe to the preacher therof for his paynes to be taken the some of (?) (?) and (?) and his dynner, And I wyll the whole charges of my funerall to be disbursed and done by the good discretion of my executors and overseers hereafter namyd. Item I wyll that all suche debtes and duties as I owe of righte or conscience to any person or persons be well and (?) payde by my Executors hereafter namyd to the (uttermoste?) penny And after my bodie buryed my debtes be devided into three equall partes accordinge to the (laudable?) custome of the cyttie of London, And I gyve and bequeathe to Johan my welbeloved wife one equall thyrde parte of all and singular my saide goods (chattles?) and debtes to her of righte belonginge accordinge to the custome of the sayde cytttie and one other equall thirde parte of all and singular my saide goods (chattles?) and debtes I leave to my welbeloved and obedient children Thomas Dunscombe and Elizabethe Dunscombe equallie betwene them to be parted and divided and to be payde and delyvered to them and eyther of them in fforme followinge That ys to saye the parte and portion of the saide Thomas my sonne to be payde to him at his age of XXI yeares and the parte and portion of the sayde Elizabethe my daughter to be payde to her at her age of (XVIII) yeares or at the daye of her marryage whiche of them sooner shall fyrste and nexte happen after the date hereof the other thirde parte of all and singular my sayde goodes (chattles?) and debtes I (reserve?) to my selfe and my executors therwith to paye and performe the legacies bequeastes hereafter in this my present last wyll and testament contayned expressed and mentioned Item I gyve and bequeath unto the poore house houlders of the parrishe of Alhallows in Bred Street whearof I ame a (??chian) the some of ffortie shillinges to be payde and distributed too and amongeste them immediatelie after my decease by the discretion of my executors and overseers Item I bequeathe to the poore house houlders dwellinge within the parrishe of Sainte Thomas Thapostle in London Twentie sixe shillinges and eighte pence to be delyvered to the church wardens of the same parrishe within one monthe after my decease and to be distributed to and amongste the saide poore house houlders of the saide parrishe of Sainte Thomas thapostle by the discretion of Wylliam Robynson clotheworker and (??chian?) (i.e. parrishioner?) theare Item I gyve and bequeathe to the poore prysoners of the severall prysons called (Lindforte?) Newgate the kynges benche the (marshallsey?), the (?) (compters?) And the fleete in and neere the cyttie of London That ys to saye to and amongste the prysoners of suche and the same prisons Twentie shillinges to be divided amonge the porer sorte of the same prysoners in eche of the sayde prysons by the good discretions of my executors and overseers hereafter namyd and to be payde within three monthes nexte after my decease Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto the Governours of Christes hospitall within the cyttie of London towardes the releefe of the poore children of the same hospitall the some of sixe poundes thirtene shillinges and ffoor pence to be payde to the handes of the saide governours within three monthes after my decease (?) as the sayde children or the moste parte of them be at my funerall yf I be buryed in London. Item I bequeathe to the poore of Sainte Bartholomews hospitall in (Cmythefylde?) ffortie shillinges and to the poore of Sainte Thomas hospitall in (Corathmarke?) ffortie shillinges to be payde and distributed amongest them by the discretion of my executors and overseers, within three monthes nexte after my decease. Item I gyve and bequeathe too twentie poore men to attende upon my corpse on the daye of my funerall Twentie gownes to bee readie made of clothe of sixe shillinges the yarde at the leaste and to every one of the sayde twentie poore men (?) (?) a peece to be payde to them on the daye of my saide funerall. Item I gyve and bequeath to and amongest the poorhousehoulders of (tenne?) severall parrishies within the cyttie of London whearof the parrishies of Aldermarye Sainte Thomas the Apostle and Sainte Bennett (?) to be three of them the some of tenne poundes That ys to saye to the poorehousehoulders of eche one of the same tenne parrishies (?) (?) to be distributed too and amongest them by the discretion of my executors and overseers hereafter namyd within syxe monthes nexte after my decease. Item I bequeathe too and amongeste the poore and Godlie mynisters and preachers of the woorde of God within the cyttie of London the some of tenne poundes of lawfull money of englande to be delvyered and distributed to and amongest suche number of them as by the goode discretion of my lovinge ffrende and neighbour John (?) of London draper shalbe thoughte moste nedeful convenient and within one yeare nexte after my decease. Item I wyll that twelve (severall?) sermons be preached in thee parrishe churche of Alhallows aforesayde within twelve monthes after my decease by twelve severall and godlie and lerned preachers to be namyd and appointed by the discretion of my executors and overseers hereafter namyd wherof (?) (?) (?) to be one of the preachers That ys to saye in everye of the sayde twelve monthes one of the saide sermons to be preached, And the preacher of the same sermon to have for his paynes therin taken tenne shillinges (parcell?) of the saide tenne poundes Item I doo gyve and bequeathe to the master and wardens of the worshipfull companie of marchtayylors wherof I am a member the some of tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande towardes the reedifying and byldinge of thee hall Called the marchantayylors hall in London requiringe that some memorie be made of me in the same hall as these shall think good. Item I doo by theese presentes deerlie remytt and forgive to my good and welbeloved mother (Mrs.?) Thomazine Dunscombe wydow all and singular suche debtes and somes of money as shee shall owe unto me at the (?) of my deathe by (?) or otherwise. And I gyve and bequeathe unto her the sayde Thomazine my mother all the singular suche corne and cattles oxen (fyve?) Bullockes, (?) geldinges and mares whatsoever whiche shall or oughte to be partable betweene her and me at the tyme of my decease, And I wyll and devise too my saide mother Thomazine Dunscombe the use and occupation of all and singular the househoulde stuff plate and other implementes (?) and thinges whiche I shall have at the tyme of my decease at or within the ffearme or Barton of Dunscombe in the countie of Devon to houlde and (enoye?) the saide househoulde stuffe plate and implementes and every (parcell?) therof to the sayde Thomazine Dunscombe duringe her naturall life, And after her decease I dooo gyve and bequeathe the same to my foresaide welbeloved sonne Thomas Dunscombe and his Assignes forever humblie desyringe my saide mother That shee wyllforsee that the same after her decease maye safelie come to his handes accordinge to this my last wyll and Testamente Item I doo by this my laste wyll and testament devise and bequeathe to my sayde mother Thomazine Dunscombe my twooo partes of the sayde Barton of Dunscombe and of the mylles therunto adioyninge or belonginge with there appurtenance wherof she holdethe the other thyrde parte for her dower To houlde the same twooo partes too her and her assignes for and duringe the terme of Thirtie yeares nexte after my decease yf shee soo longe shall lyve, yeldinge and payinge therfore yearlie duringe the saide tearme to my heyres or Assignes twentie shillinges and eighte pence at ffouorr tearmes or (?) ffeastes of the yeare that ys to saye at the ffeaste of Sainte Mychall Tharchangell, The byrth of our Lorde God Thannunciation of the blessed virgin Marye and the (nativitie?) of Sainte Johnn Baptiste by even portions. And further I wyll and devise unto my saide mother Thomazine Dunscombe all that my Tenemente with the tenne Acres of Lande moore or lesse therunto belonginge comonlie called the Coate in the countie of Devon whiche I latelie purchased of Mr. Philipp Coall esquire, Too houlde to her and her Assignes for the tearme of Thirtie yeares yf shee soo longe lyve yeldinge and payinge therfore yearlie duringe the saide tearme to my heyres or Assignes sixtene shillinges at the same tearmes or ffeastes of the yeare above expressed by even portions, And my mynde and wyll ys That my saide mother duringe the saide severall tearmes of the (premissies?) above mentioned shall dooo all manner of (reparracions?) needful to bee done from tyme to tyme uppon the same And that shee shall nott dooo or comitt any voluntarie waste to the value of ffyve poundes uppon payne of forfayture of her saide estates to her devised. Item I gyve and bequeathe too the saide Thomazine my mother and her Assignes all that my lease Title and Interest whiche I have in thoose three peeces of grounde whiche I houlde of Mr. Anthone Coplestoone gent in (Lyrton?) for tearme of the life of the saide Anthone she payinge the yearlie rente to him reserved for the same Item I doo gyve and bequeathe too my saide mother fyve yardes of clothe of Thirteen shillinges fouoor pence the yarde and one rynge of goulde of the realme of ffortie shillinges at the leaste And alsoo I bequeathe unto her the some of Twentie poundes in money too be payde unto her viz (?) yearlie after my decease beseechinge Almightie God to grante her longe life and helthe to his glorie and her (?) helthe Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Wall (?) servante to my saide mother fyve poundes in money to be payde unto her within one yeare nexte after my decease yf she be remayninge and dwellinge with my saide mother at the tyme of my decease. Item I gyve and bequeathe to everyeone of the men servantes and mayde servantes whiche shalbe dwellinge withe my mother at the tyme of my decease (?) a peece to be payde within syxe monthes nexte after my decease, And I doo by this my presente laste wyll and testamente ffreelie forgive unto my servante Edwarde Sweeting all suche debtes duties and demandes as he dyd owe unto mee wherof he was to render me anye accounte before thee ffeaste of the natyvitie of Sainte John Baptiste whiche was in the yeare of oure Lord God (?) and for all debtes duties and demandes (?) the saide ffeaste I wyll he shalbe (answerable?) and (fulie?) (accounte?) for the same to my executors hereafter naymd accordinge to the truste I have in him and for his soo doinge I bequeathe unto him the saide Edwarde (?) (?) (?) of lawfull money of Englande to be payde unto him a cloake Item I doo derelie release and forgyve unto my welbeloved brother Walter Dunscombe all and singular suche debtes and somes of money of Englande to be payde unto him within twoo yeares nexte after my decease viz yearlie (?) (?) and (?). Item I doo gyve and bequeathe too my saide brother Walter Dunscombe one ringe of goulde worthe (?), And alsoo syxe yardes of clothe of (?) the yarde to make a cloake for him selfe and a gowne for Elyonor Dunscombe and (?) Anne her daughter the some of (?) (?) (?) to be payde to them by equall (portions?) within vi monthes nexte after my decease. Item I gyve and bequeathe to my welbeloved brother Roberte Dunscombe the some of ffortie poundes of lawful money of Englande and to my syster Marye Dunscombe his wife xiii vi and viii And to their sonne my Nephewe Olyver Dunscombe xiii vi and viii whiche saide (three?) laste (severall?) legacies amountinge (unto?) him oute of suche debtes as the saide Roberte Dunscombe Shall owe unto me at the tyme of my decease and he to (?) and paye to his saide sonne Olyver the saide legacies to him bequeathed. And I wyll that the saide Roberte Dunscombe my brother shall paye unto my executors hereafter namyd all suche further debtes as he shall owe unto me at the houre of my decease (the saide (?) (?) and (?) (being deducted) by twoo hundrethe poundes a yeare viz every syxe monthes one (?) untyll the same be payde, And shall enter into (?) with (?) to my executors for the payment of the same at the tymes aforesaide And then my executors shall redelyver unto him the lease of his dwellinge house at Exon whiche I have for my securitie nowe remayninge in my countinge house at Dunscombe Barton and alsoo I bequeathe to the saide Roberte Dunscombe a ringe of goulde worth (xli?) and vii yardes of clothe of (?) the yarde to make a gowne for himselfe a gowne for his wife and a coate for the saide Olyver Dunscombe Item I gyve and bequeathe to my welbeloved brother Thomas Dunscombe the some of ffortie poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be payde to him within (fouore?) yeares nexte after my decease (?) halfe yearlie untyll the same be payde And I bequeathe unto my saide brother Thomas a ringe of goulde woorthe (?) and syxe yardes of clothe of (?) the yarde to make him a gowne and a coate Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my cosin George Trowebridge syxe yardes of clothe of (?) the yarde to make a gowne for him and his wife. And I bequeathe too Margarett Wall wife of William Wall of (?) three yardes of cloathe of (?) the yarde to make her a gowne. Item I gyve unto the preacher nowe appointed for (?) (?) in monye to be payde to him within one yeare nexte after my decease viz quarterlie (?) soo as he therfore doo preache ffoure severall sermons within the parrishe churche of (?) aforesaide within one yeare nexte after my decease at the appointement and discretion of the saide Mr. John Trowebridge Item I bequeathe unto the poorehousehoulders of Inhabitantes of the towne and parrishe of (?) aforesaide (?) (?) (?) to be divided and distributed to and amongest them by the good discretion of the saide Mr. John Trowebridge within three monthes after my decease. Item I doo gyve and bequeathe wyll and devise by this my laste wyll and Testamente too the twelve governours and corporation of the churche and parrishe of (?) (?) Credyton in the saide countie of Devon and to their (?) for ever or by whatsoever after name or addition there be knowne or called one Anuytie or yearlie (?) of three poundes sixe shillinges and eighte pence of lawfull monye of Englande, Too bee yearlie forever (?) and goinge oute of my manor or Lordeshipp of Colridge with Thappurtenance in the Countie of Devon : with full power and authoritie to distrayne for the same. And my verie wyll mynde and intente ys that the saide anuytie of (?) (?) (?) be by the saide twelve governours and their successors forever employed And bestowed in manner and fforme hereafter expressed and mentioned, That ys to saye That the Sayde twelve governours or corporation of the parrishe of (?) aforesaide for the tyme beinge shall on every Sondaye (?) (?) forever at and within the parrishe churche of (?) aforesaide cause to be delyvered too twelve persons viz vi poore men and vi poore wyddowes of the same parrishe of (?) to be chosen and appointed by the saide twelve governours or corporation for the tyme beinge twelve peny white loaves of breade viz to eache of them one penye loafe soo that none that hathe anye (?) to the value of (?) shillinges a years to lyve one shall have or receyve any parte of the same breade And I wyll that the saide twelve peny loaves be delyvered to the saide twelve poore persons within the parrishe church of (?) aforesaide after service doone in thee ssermone of every Sondaye weekelie at the parrishe church of (?) aforesaide, And that the vicar or curate theare for the tyme beinge one (?) quarter of a yeare at the delyverie of the same breade shall put those xii poore persons (receyvinge the same) in mynde of these duties exhortinge them to prayre and thankes gyvinge for Almightie God that hathe sooo well provided for them and alsoo at his discretion shall examyn then (?) (?) (?) the Lordes prayre the tenne commandementes of the almightie God And tharticles of the Christian faith and to trye whither (these?) cane saye or understande the same or not, and for his paynes therin to be taken I wyll that the saide vicar or Curate for the tyme beinge shall have and receyve at the handes of the saide governours or Corporation of (?) aforesaide the some or stipende of sixe shillinges and eighte pence parcell of the saide Anuytie of (?) (?) and (?) to be payde to him and his successours vicar or curate theare for the tyme beinge yearlie forever at the fouor ffeastes or tearmes of the years above expressed by even portions, And the residue of the saide Anuytie of (?) (?) and (?) to be bestowed to the use of the poore of the same parrishe of (?) by the discretion of the saide twelve governours or Corporation of (?) aforesaide for the tyme beinge or some of them from tyme to tyme forever Item I gyve devise and bequeathe to the saide xii governours or Corporation of (?) aforesaide the some of one hundrethe markes of lawful money of Englande to be payde to the saide xii governours or Corporation for the tyme beinge in manner and fforme followinge That ys to saye thirtie three poundes sixe shillinges and eighte pence therof within one yeare after my decease, So that the saide governours or corporation (after?) the receipte therof doo become bounde by obligation in due forme to be made and sealed with their (owne?) seale under the some or penaltie of fortie poundes to the saide Thomas Dunscombe my sonne to delyver the saide some of xxxiii vi and viii (within three monthes nexte after there shall have receyved the same) to fyve honest poore men occupyers and inhabitants within the towne and (Burrough?) of (?) aforesaide by even portions viz to everyman (?) (?) and (?) and those and everie of them to have the use and occupation therof in ffree loane for and duringe the tyme and space of fyve yeares then nexte followinge Those and every of them puttinge in sufficient suertie or (?) unto the said xii governours or Corporation of (?) aforesaide for the tyme beinge for the sure and true repayment of every suche (?) (?) and (?) sooo to be delyvered in ffree loane at the ende of everie fyve yeares unto the saide twelve governours or their successors for the tyme beinge. And the saide xii governours for the tyme beinge to delyver the saide some of (?) (?) and (?) to other fyve persons of the towne and burroughe of (?) aforesaide for other fyve yeares uppon lyke suertie or (penance?) And for the saide ffree Loane of the saide (?) (?) and (?) to have contynuance from fyve yeares to fyve yeares forever, And the other (?) (?) and (?) resydue of the saide one hundrethe markes I wyll to be payde to saide xii governours or Corporation for the tyme beinge at thende of twoo yeares nexte after my decease soo that there enter into a lyke (bonde?) of ffortie poundes unto my saide sonne Thomas Dunscombe uppon their receipte therof to delyver the saide laste recyted some of (?) (?) and (?) three monthes nexte after these shall have recyved the same to other fyve honest poore men beinge occupyers and inhabitantes of the Towne and Burroughe of (?) aforesaide by even portions viz too everie of them (?) (?) and (?) and these and everie of them to have the use and occupation therof in lyke ffree as asforesaide for and during the terme and space of fyve yeares uppon suche lyke assurance by suertie or (penance?) to be put into the saide xii governours for the tyme beinge for the sure and true repaymente therof at thende of the saide fyve yeares as before ys lymited and expressed for repaymente of the saide fyrst (?) (?) and (?) parcell of the saide one (?) markes, And the saide xii governours for the tyme beinge ffrom tyme to tyme to delyver the saide layte some of (?) (?) and (?) resydue of the saide some of one (?) markes, to other fyve honest poore men beinge Occupyers and inhabitantes within the towne or burroughe of (?) aforesaide for the tearme of other fyve yeares uppon suche lyke suertie or (paine?) as before ys mente lymited or expressed. And soo the saide ffree loane of the saide laste (?) (?) and (?) resideuoo of the (?) some of one (?) markes too have (contyneuance?) ffrom fyve yeares to fyve yeares forever according to the true intente and meaning of this my present laste wyll and Testamente, Provided alwayes and my verie mynde and wyll ys that that man whiche once shall have had the benyfytt of this my wyll and (devise?) viz the use and occupation of any (?) (?) and (?) parcell of the saide some of one (?) markes for and duringe the space and tearme of ffyve yeares as ys aforesaide shall neaver afterwardes have the same or anie lyke parte of the saide some of one (?) markes in use or occupation for anie tearme or tyme whatsoever when theare ys any other in the saide parrishe (moote?) to have and occupie the same accordinge to the intente and (true?) meaninge of this my laste wyll and testament And further my wyll and mynde ys that clothiers and (?) shalbe preferred to have thuse occupation and benefite of the saide some of one hundrethe markes and everye parcell therof before any other (person?) or persons whatsoever. Item I gyve and bequeathe to my lovinge brother in lawe Thomas Aldwooorthe marchantaylor a rynge of goulde woorthe ffortie shillinges and sufficient clothe of (?) (?) the yarde to make him and his wife eyther of them a gowne and I gyve and bequeathe to my brother in lawe John Pyle a ringe of goulde worthe xl and to my syster in lawe Alice Pyle his wife a rynge of goulde worthe (?) at the leaste Item I bequeathe unto my Nephewe Thomas Pyle sonne of the saide John Pyle vi xiii and iv to be payde to him when he shall come to the age of twentie and fouoor yeares, Also I gyve unto the saide John Pyle and his wife soo muche clothe of (?) the yarde as wyll make eyther of them a gowne Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my brother in lawe Robert Aldwoorthe a ringe of goulde worthe xl and I gyve unto my syster Helyne Aldwoorthe his wife the some of ffortie shillinges and to everie one of her children (?) a peece to be payde within twoo yeares nexte after my decease Also I doo give unto my saide brother Robert Aldwoorthe and his wife soo muche clothe of (?) the yarde as wyll make eyther of them a gowne Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my brother in lawe Symoon Aldwoorthe a rynge of goulde worthe xl and soo muche clothe as wyll make hym and his wife eyther of them a gowne of thirtene shillinges and ffouor pence the yarde, Alsooo I dooo gyve unto my brother Henry Aldwoorthe a ringe of goulde worthe xl and soo muche clothe as wyll make him and his wife eyther of them a gowne of (?) and (?) the yarde Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto my welbeloved brother George Dunscombe a ringe of goulde worthe three poundes syxe shillinges and eighte pence And I doo gyve unto my syster Margarett Dunscombe his wife one ringe of goulde worthe xl Alsoo I doo gyve unto my sayde brother George Dunscombe soo muche clothe as wyll make him and my syster Margarett his wife eyther of them a gowne of (?) the yarde at the leaste. And to his sonne George Dunscombe a blacke coate of the same clothe, Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my welbeloved brother Christopher Dunscombe a ringe of goulde worthe three poundes vi and viii And I gyve unto my welbeloved syster Grace his wife one ringe of goulde worhte ffortie shillinges, and to his sonnes John Dunscombe and Anthonie Dunscombe eache of them a blacke coate of the same peece, and to his daughter Mary Dunscombe a blacke gowne of the same peece. Alsoo I gyve unto my saide brother Christopher Dunscombe and his wife soo muche clothe as wyll make eyther of them a gowne worth (?) a yarde at the leaste, Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Wylliam Robynson clothworker of London one ringe of goulde worth (?) and soo muche clothe as wyll make hym agowne of (?) the yarde Alsoo I gyve unto Loare Robynson the wife of the saide Wylliam Robynson my kynsewoman tenne poundes in monye to be payde within one whoole yeare nexte after my decease and soo muche clothe as wyll make her a gowne of (?) the yarde And I bequeathe unto Wylliam Robynson her sonne three poundes sixe shillinges and eighte pence to be payde unto him when he shall come to the age of xvi yeares yf he shall soo longe lyve, And I doo gyve devise and bequeathe unto the sayde Loare Robynson and unto Wylliam Robynson her sonne duringe their naturall lyves and the longest lyver of them All that my ffearme or Barton of Colridge with Thappurtenance lyinge within the countie of Devon nowe in the (?) or occupation of Mr. Augustine Stewkley whiche houldethe the same for tearme of his life soo that uppon the deathe surrender of forfeture of the saide Augustine Stewkleye the saide Loare Robynson and Wylliam Robynson her sonne ar to enter and have the same Barton with the appurtenances to them and their Assignes for duringe the tearme of their naturall lyves and the longest lyver of them Those the saide Loare and Wylliam her sonne and their assignes yeldinge and payinge therfore yearlie duringe the saide terme unto my heyres or assignes the some of twentie poundes rente by the yeare at the ffouer tearmes or feastes of the yeare above expressyd to be payde by even portions and doinge all reparations within and uppon the same. And yf the saide yearlie rentes of XX or any parcell therof shalbe behinde unpayde in parte or in all by the space of three score dayes nexte after any of the sayde ffeastes or quarter dayes in which yt oughte to be payde and yf lawefullie demanded That then yt shalbe lawfull fo my heyres and assignes unto the saide Barton of Colridge to reenter Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Thomas Squire the sonne of Thomas Squire deceased the some of sixe poundes thirtene shillinges and ffouer pence of lawfull money of englande to be payde unto him when he shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares yf he soo longe shall lyve. Alsoo I gyve unto Thomas Stirropp fuller in monye vi xiii and (?) and my (?) (?) gowne. Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Grace ffydoe somtyme my servante the some of tenne poundes of lawfull money of englande to be payde to her within one yeare nexte after my
decease and soo muche cloathe as wyll make her a gowne of (?) (?) the yarde Alsoo I bequeathe unto Cycille Sylverwodd somtyme my servante fortie shillinges in money to be payde to her within one yeare nexte after my decease And I gyve unto Brygett Pearke somtyme my servante (?). Item I doo gyve and bequeathe to John Wall servante withe mystrys Bonde the some of ffyve poundes to be payde at the daye of her marryage. (Note: In margin to the left appears: "Also I gyve unto Johan (?) (?) my servant (?)"). Alsoo I doo gyve to my clothworker that ys a householder and a workeman unto me at thoure of my deathe twentie (?) shillinges apeece. Item I doo by this my laste wyll and testamente forgyve to Josephe (?) all suche debtes as he shall owe unto me at thoure of my deathe And I bequeathe to him the some of twentie poundes to be payde to him within three yeares nexte after my decease viz by twentie nobles a yeare yf he shall soo longe contynoue in the service of my wife and of my sonne Thomas Dunscombe And I bequeathe to the saide Josephe soo muche clothe as shall make him a gowne of tenne shillinges the yarde. And to Nicholas ffullyott my servant ffyve yardes of clothe woorthe (?) the yarde to make hym a gowne and or coate. Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto my servante John Wall the some of twentie poundes of lawfull money of england to be payde too him within twoo yeares nexte after my decease wyllinge him to be diligent and carefull in helping my executors in their affayres and busynes accordinge to his dutie in that behalfe and the truste I repose in him Alsoo I doo gyve unto my servante James (Butles?) the some of twentie nobles of lawfull money of englande to be payde at the ende and expiration of his tearme of yeares whiche he hathe yett to serve accordinge to his Indenture. Item I doo gyve and bequeathe to my servante Wylliam Wattes (?) (?) (?) to be payde unto him when he shall come untoo thage of (xxiii?) yeares, Alsoo I doo gyve unto Martha Lane my servante fyve poundes of lawfull money of englande to be payde to her at the daye of her maryage and a black gowne of (?) the yarde, And I gyve unto Elizabethe (?) (Servante with my sayde mother Thomazyne Dunscombe) xx to be payde too her at the daye of her maryage. Item I doo (?) forgyve unto Gilberte Moxsey marchantaylor all suche debtes as he doothe owe unto me at the tyme of my decease, And I bequeathe unto him the some of xiii vi and viii to be payde within halfe a yeare nexte after my decease, Alsoo I doo gyve unto Margerie (Martell?) my maydeservante ffortie shillinges and a gowne of (?) the yarde, And I gyve and bequeathe to my servante Wylliam (?yngewell) twentie nobles. Item I wyll and devise to Wylliam fforesaide one annuytie of fortie shillinges by the yeare to be (yffinge?) and goinge oute of those my landes and tenementes in the parrishe of (?) aforesaide which I late boughte of John Marshall to have and (?) the same Annuytie of ffortie shillinges by the years to the saide Wylliam fforesaide and his assignes at the fouoor tearmes or ffeastes of the yeare above expressed by even portions to be payde duringe the naturall life of the saide Wylliam fforesaide withe full power to diffrayne for the saide Annuytie or anye parcell therof yf neede shall require. And alsoo I wyll and devise to John Howe one annuytie of tenne shillinges by the yeare to be (yffinge?) and goinge oute of Dunscombe Barton aforesaide duringe his naturall life to be payde at the ffouor ffeastes ot tearmes of the yeare above expressed by even portions wythe lyke authoritie to diffrayne (yf need require) for the same. Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto Mr. Thomas Waterhouse a ringe of goulde worthe (?) (?) and soo muche clothe as wyll make him and his wife eche of them agowne of syxtene shillinges the yarde. Alsoo I doo gyve unto my ffrynde Rycharde Radwaye marchantaylor a ringe of goulde worthe ffortie shillinges Item I doo gyve and bequeathe unto my cosen Roger Samuell one rynge of goulde worthe (?) and soo muche clothe as wyll make him a gowne of (?) (?) the yarde, Alsoo I dooe gyve unto my ffrende John Row one ringe of goulde worthe (?) Item I doo gyve and bequeathe to the Presidente and Scholars of Sainte John Baptistes collidge in Oxon the some of twentie poundes of lawfull money of englande to be bestowed at the discretion of my very lovinge and approved ffrendes Mr. Rycharde Warren esquirer and Mr. Rycharde Maye marchantaylor Item i doo by this my laste wyll and testament gyve devise and bequeathe unto the saide Johan Dunscombe my welbeloved wife all those my three leases and all the (state?) Title and Interest whiche I have of and in the messuage or tenemente with Thappurtenance whearin I nowe dwell comonlie called the Bottle in Watling Srteete of London and of and in all that greate messuage or Inne comonly called the Starr in Bread Streete of London with Thappurtenance now in the tenure or occupation of Peter Jefferies Inholder and of and in all those warehouses and roomes whiche (?) sometymes (?) of the saide greate messuage or Inne called the Starr and ar nowe in the (severall?) Tenure or occupation of my selfe and of the foresaide George Dunscombe my brother and of Roberte (Brye?) marchantaylor whiche greate messuage of Inne called the Starr and other the saide warehouses and roomes therunto nowe or late belonginge I now doo houlde and (eneye?) by force of (?) leases and assurances to me therof hereunto made by Thomas (Brande?) (?) Excepte and alwayes reserved to me and my Assignes all those shoppes warehouses and other roomes (?) of the premissies nowe in the tenure or occupation of my saide brother George Dunscombe Item I doo gyve devise and bequeathe unto my welbeloved and obedient sonne Thomas Dunscombe and his Assignes all my lease estate Title and Interest whiche I have of or in all that messuage or Tenement withe thappurtenance whearin my saide brother George Dunscombe nowe dwellethe in Watling Streeete aforesayde, And of and in all and singular the saide shopes warehouses and other roomes above in and by theese parties excepted and reserved, Alsoo I dooo gyve and bequeathe unto my saide sonne Thomas Dunscombe my greate Bible besechinge Almightie God to blesse him and to gyve him grace therin to have moste of (?) all delighte. Item I doo gyve devise and bequeathe unto my lovinge and obediente daughter Elizabeth Dunscombe one Annuytie or yearlie rente of twentie poundes of lawfull money of englande to be yearlie (yssinge?) and goinge oute of all those my messuages tenementes and hereditamentes comonlie called the tower in the Royall in or neare the parrishe of St. Thomas Thapple within the cyttie of London and oute of every or any parte or parcell therof to have and yearlie to (?) and receeve the saide Annuytie or yearlie rente of Twentie Poundes too the saide Elizabethe Dunscombe and her Assignes for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life at the fouoor tearmes or ffeastes the yeare above in these presentes expressed to be payde by even portions withe full powre and sufficient authoritie theare to diffrayne for the same Annuytie and every parte and parcell therof (yf neede require) the same to be employed yearlie at her owne wyll and pleasure (?) at her husbandes handes that he abrydge her not therof but lett her freelie receave the same and doo therwith what shie lyke from tyme to tyme duringe her naturall lyfe, And further I doo gyve and bequeathe unto my saide daughter Elizabethe Dunscombe my beste peece of plate whiche I shall have at the houre of my deathe and alsoo twentie poundes in money to be (defynede?) and payde unto her at her age of syxteen yeares too dooo therwithe what she wyll.

The Resydue of all and singular my goodes, cattles and debtes after my bodie buryed my debtes paide my funerall expenses alowed and discharged and all singular the gyftes bequestes and legacies conteyned and mentioned in this my presente laste and testament, in all thinges payde performed and fulfylled I wholie gyve and bequeathe to the sayde Johan my wife and to the saide Thomas Dunscombe and Elizabeth Dunscombe my children That ys to saye the one equall (moytie?) therof (onelie?) to the sayde Johan my wife to her owne proper use and (beheese?) and the other equall (moytie?) therof to the saide Thomas Dunscombe and Elizabeth Dunscombe my children equallie betweene them to be parted and divided and to be delyvered and payde to them and eyther of them at suche tyme or tymes as their and eyther of their severall partes and portions of and in all singular my sayde goodes cattles and debtes to them and eyther of them lefte or belonginge eyther by force of theese partes or accordinge to the custome of the cyttie of london shalbe due or payable to them eyther of them. And for the better knowledge to be had of the (?) of all and singular my goodes cattles credites and debtes my verie wyll mynde and intente ys that the same and every (?) therof within three monthes nexte after my decease shalbe indifferentlie valued and appraysed and alsoo comprysed and mentioned in a true and perfecte Inventorie (Indentyd?) therof to be taken had and made for neere as convenientlie maye be accordinge to the custome of the saide cyttie of London, And the severall partes and portions of the sayde Thomas Dunscombe and Elizabethe Dunscombe my children and eyther of them to be disposed and delyvered into the handes and custodie of suche (person?) or (person?) to whome the same partes and portions by thordinancies and customes of the sayde cyttie of London in the case of orphanage shalbe (?) and appoynted, Provided alwayes and my very mynde and wyll ys that yf yt happenethe saide Thomas Dunscombe my sonne to die and departe this mortall lyfe before he shall accomplishe and come to his full age of one and twentie yeares or yf yt shall happen the sayde Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter too die and departe this mortall lyfe before the tyme of her lawfull age or maryage That then the parte and portion of hym or her soo dyinge or (deceasynge?) of and in my sayde goodes cattles and debtes accordinge to the custome of the sayde cyttie of London shall wholie remayne and come to the survivor of them And of this my (presente?) laste wyll and testament I make ordeyne and constitute my saide welbeloved wife Johan Dunscombe and my sayde obedient sonne Thomas Dunscombe my full and whole executors and I require and charge them and eyther of them as there wyll annsweere before the face of Almightie God at the dreadfull daye of judgement to see this my laste wyll and Testament in all poyntes and thinges performed as neere as (these?) possiblie can accordinge to the specyall truste and confidence whiche I repose and have in them. And of the execution of this my presente laste wyll and testamente I ordeyne and make my verie good (?) and verie good ffryndes the foresayde Mr. Rycharde Warren and Mr. Rycharde Maye my overseers hartelie besecinge them bothe (as muche as convenientlie there maye) to have care of my sayde wife and children and to gyve their bests furtherance for the deue execution of this my laste wyll and Testament and for their paynes in that behalfe to be taken I gyve and bequeathe to eyther of them one ringe of goulde worthe (?) (?) amd (?) and soo muche fyne clothe woorthe (?) the yarde at the leaste as wyll make eyther of them a gouone and a (whodd?) and alsoo I gyve and bequeathe to eyther of their (wives?) tenne poundes in goulde and soo muche fyne clothe as wyll make eyther of them a gouone woorthe (?) a yarde at the leaste, And for the better instructions and more safe (?) of my sayde executors as my sayde overseers in and aboute this charge full busynes I wyll and require my saide lovinge bretherne George Dunscombe and Christopher Dunscombe and eyther of them to the uttermoste of their and eyther of their (skyll?) and power from tyme to tyme be aydinge and assistinge to them and every of them, And for their paynes and (?) in that beaulfe to be taken I gyve and bequeathe too eyther of them my sayde bretherne George Dunscombe and Christopher Dunscombe Twentie poundes of lawfull money of englande a peece and besydes the legacies and bequestes above by me to them and eyther of them gyven devised and bequeathed. Soo as these (?) them (?) carefull and dilligent in helpinge and assistinge my saide excutors and overseers and every of them in and aboute the premissies in manner and fforme aforesayde, And morever I doo by this my present last wyll and testament devise gyve and bequeathe to the sayde Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter all that my ffearme or Barton comonlie called Birchehayes with thappurtenance in the saide countie of Devon together with all and singular those my landes tenementes rentes (?) and hereditamente withe ther Appurtenances (left?) lyinge and beinge in Launceston and (Brydgerowe?) in the countie of Cornwall To have and houlde the saide ffarme or Barton of Birchehayes and the saide landes Tenementes and other the premissies in Launceston and (Brydgerowe?) aforesaide withe all and singular their appurtenance to the saide Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter and to the heyres of her bodie laffullie begotten and for defaulte of suche yssue the remanider therof to the saide Thomas Dunscombe my sonne and to the heyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the saide George Dunscombe my brother and too theyres, males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the saide Christopher Dunscombe my brother and too the heyres males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder thearof to the righte heyres males of me the sayde John Dunscombe And for defaulte of suche heyres males The remainder therof to thee righte heyres of me the saide John Dunscombe forever Item I gyve devise and bequeathe by (?) toe the saide Johan Dunscombe my welbeloved wife Thequall (moytie?) or one halfe of all and singular my mannors messeuges ffearmes Bartons landes tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever withe their Appurtenance within the realme ot england whearof I have any manor estate of (inheritance?) or in ssoo (?) in possession or (renertion?), And the rentes (yssues?) and profyttes of the same and of every parte and parcell therof The foresaide ffarme or Barton called Byrchehayes and other the saide landes tenementes and hereditamentes in Launceston and (Brydgrowe?) aforesaide with the Appurtenance by me before gyven and devised to the saide Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter and alsoo the state and interest of the foresaide Thomasine Dunscombe my mother of and in the foresaide fearme or Barton of Dunscombe and other the promises by me to her the saide Thomazine Dunscomb devised and bequeathed as aforesaide together withe the severall Anyuyties by me alsoo above be these (parte?) devised gyve and bequeathed to the severall (uses?) and intente aforesaide alwayes excepted and (foreprised?) To have and to houlde the saide equall (moytie?) or one half of all and singular the saide mannors mesuagies ffearmes Bartons landes tenementes rentes (?) and hereditamentes with their appurtenance excepte before excepted to the saide Johan Dunscombe my wife and for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life for and in full recompence of all and singular suche righte and title of (dower?) as shee hathe or shall or maye dayne to have of and in all and singular the same premisses and everie parte and parcell therof shee the saide Johan my wife of her Assignes doinge (the?) reparations of the saide (moytie?) of the premessies to her devised and bequeathed as aforesaide in convenient tyme or tymes as neede shall require duringe her naturall life, And after the deathe and decease of the saide Johan my wife I doo wholeie gyve devise and bequeathe all and singular the saide mannors messuagies fearmes landes tenementes rentes (?) and hereditamentes with all and singular their Appurtenance (excepte before excepted) Too the saide Thomas Dunscombe my sonne and the theyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for defaulte of suche yssue The remainder therof To the saide Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter and to theyres of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of such yssue of the bodie or bodies of the saide Thomas Dunscombe my sonne and Elizabethe my daughter or eyther of them lawfullie begotten as ys aforesaide I gyve devise and bequeathe all and singular the saide mannors messaugies ffearmes landes tenementes rentes (?) (servicies?) and hereditamentes with their appurtenance (excepte before excepted) to (the?) (?) and intentes hereafter in these partes (?) expressed and declared that ys to saye all and singular my saide messaugies landes tenementes and hereditamentes with their appurtenance called the tower in the Royall in London aforesaide To the saide George Dunscombe my brother and to theyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for defaulte of suche yssue The remainder therof to the righte heyres of the saide George Dunscombe forever, And all that my mannor called Colridge with thappurtenance within the Parke of Colridge in the saide Countie of Devon Together withe all and singular the landes Tenementes rentes (servicies?) and hereditamentes with their Appurtenance therunto belonginge or in anye wise apperteyninge to the saide Christopher Dunscombe my brother and to theyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue the remaynder therof to the righte heyres of the saide Christopher Dunscombe for ever. And all that my foresaide fearme called Dunscombe Barton with Thappurtenance together withe the foresaide Tenement and Landes whiche I late purchased of the foresaide Mr. Philipp Coall in the parrishe of (?) aforesaide to remayne to the foresaide Roberte Dunscombe my brother and the theires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for defaulte of suche yssue the remainder therof to the righte heyres of the saide Roberte Dunscombe my brother for ever. And all those my landes tenementes and hereditamentes lyinge and beinge in Tedburne in the saide parrishe of (?) and in George Nympton in the Countie of Devon to remayne to the saide Walter Dunscombe forever. And all the residue of the foresaide mannor messaugies Landes tenementes and hereditamentes (for wante of yssue of the bodie of bodies of the sayde Thomas Dunscombe my sonne and of the saide Elizabethe Dunscombe my daughter or of one of them) too remayne wholelie to the righte heyres of me the saide John Dunscombe forever And I utterlie revooke all former wylles Testamentes giftes bequestes legacies and (devises?) executors and overseers by me hereunto made declayrd gyven devised ordayned or appointed in any manor (wise?), And I wyll that this my (?) Testament and last wyll shall (?) remayne and perpetuallie abyde for my (owne?) laste wyll and testament together withe all and singular the legacies giftes bequestes devises executors and overseers by me herein gyven wylled bequeathed devised ordayned namyd constituted and apointed and none other nor other (?). In wytnes wherof to this my (?) laste wyll and testament I the saide John Dunscombe have sett my seale (?) the daye and yeare fyrste above wrytten. (?) (Johan?) Dunscombe wytnesses hereof Richarde Warren esquire Dayell (Esquire?) Rycharde Maye marchantaylor and Symon Wrenche scrivener.

(Following appears a paragraph apparently in Latin mentioning the names of Johanne, Robert and Thomas Dunscombe).