Wulfrith (?)

F, b. circa 920, d. ?
Relationships29th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
30th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
28th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Wulfrith (?) was born circa 920.1 She married Ordgar (?) Wulfrith (?) died in ?


Ordgar (?) b. circa 910, d. 971


  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/

Feldelm Foltchain

F, b. circa 480, d. ?
Father*Brion (?)1 b. circa 450, d. ?
Relationships43rd great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
44th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
42nd great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Feldelm Foltchain was born circa 480.1 She married Domangart macFergusso, son of Fergus II (?), circa 495.1 Feldelm Foltchain died in ?


Domangart macFergusso b. circa 480, d. 506


  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.
  3. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Brion (?)

M, b. circa 450, d. ?
Father*Eochaid Mugmedon1 b. circa 425, d. ?
Relationships44th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
45th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
43rd great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Brion (?) was born circa 450.1 He died in ?




  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/

Eochaid Mugmedon

M, b. circa 425, d. ?
Relationships45th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
46th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
44th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Eochaid Mugmedon was born circa 425.1 He died in ?




  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/

Beltsea (?)

F, b. circa 275, d. ?
Relationships46th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
47th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
45th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Beltsea (?) was born circa 275.1 She married Frithuwald (?), son of Frealaf (?), circa 300.1 Beltsea (?) died in ?


Frithuwald (?) b. circa 275, d. ?


  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/
  2. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Gauthild Algautsdottir

F, b. circa 630, d. ?
Father*Algaut (?)1 b. circa 600, d. ?
Relationships41st great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
42nd great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
40th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Gauthild Algautsdottir was born circa 630.1 She married Ingiald (?) circa 650.1 Gauthild Algautsdottir died in ?


Ingiald (?) b. circa 620, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Algaut (?)

M, b. circa 600, d. ?
Relationships42nd great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
43rd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
41st great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Algaut (?) was born circa 600.1 He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Solva (?)

F, b. circa 650, d. ?
Relationships40th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
41st great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
39th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Solva (?) was born circa 650.1 She married Olaf (?), son of Ingiald (?) and Gauthild Algautsdottir, circa 670.1 Solva (?) died in ?


Olaf (?) b. circa 650, d. circa 710


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Asa Eysteinsdottir

F, b. circa 680, d. ?
Father*Eystein (?)1 b. circa 650, d. ?
Relationships39th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
40th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
38th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Asa Eysteinsdottir was born circa 680.1 She married Halfdan (?), son of Olaf (?) and Solva (?).2 Asa Eysteinsdottir died in ?


Halfdan (?) b. circa 670, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed.
  3. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Eystein (?)

M, b. circa 650, d. ?
Relationships40th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
41st great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
39th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Eystein (?) was born circa 650.1 He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Hild Ericsdottir

F, b. circa 700, d. ?
Father*Eric (?)1 b. circa 675, d. ?
Relationships38th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
39th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
37th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Hild Ericsdottir was born circa 700.1 She married Eystein (?), son of Halfdan (?) and Asa Eysteinsdottir, circa 720.1 Hild Ericsdottir died in ?


Eystein (?) b. circa 700, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Eric (?)

M, b. circa 675, d. ?
Relationships39th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
40th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
38th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Eric (?) was born circa 675.1 He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Hilf Daysdotir

F, b. circa 720, d. ?
Relationships37th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
38th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
36th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Hilf Daysdotir was born circa 720.1 She married Halfdan (?), son of Eystein (?) and Hild Ericsdottir, circa 740.1 Hilf Daysdotir died in ?


Halfdan (?) b. circa 720, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Alfhildr Alfarinsdottir

F, b. circa 740, d. ?
Relationships36th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
37th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
35th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Alfhildr Alfarinsdottir was born circa 740.1 She married Godfrey (?), son of Halfdan (?) and Hilf Daysdotir, circa 760.1 Alfhildr Alfarinsdottir died in ?


Godfrey (?) b. circa 740, d. 810


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S175] Iain. Moncrieffe, The highland clans, rev. ed., Lining papers.

Duxia (?)

F, b. circa 990, d. ?
Relationships27th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
28th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
26th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Duxia (?) was born circa 990.1 She married Fulbert (?) circa 1010.1 Duxia (?) died in ?


Fulbert (?) b. circa 980, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Elizabeth Mary Hull

F, b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Father*George Hull1,2 b. August 27, 1590, d. December 29, 1659
Mother*Thomazen Mitchell1,2 b. 1591/92
Relationships7th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
8th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
6th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     Elizabeth Mary Hull was born on October 16, 1625 at Crewkerne, Somerset, England.1,3 She married Samuel Gaylord, son of William Gaylord and Mary Walter, on December 4, 1646 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1,3 Elizabeth Mary Hull died on May 2, 1680 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, at age 54.2,3 She was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States.3


Samuel Gaylord b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
  2. [S14] Ancestry.com, online www.ancestry.com.
  3. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.
  4. [S149] Harold Berresford Jr. & Hubbell, Donald Sidney Hubbell, History and genealogy of the Hubbell family., 44.
  5. [S149] Harold Berresford Jr. & Hubbell, Donald Sidney Hubbell, History and genealogy of the Hubbell family., Husband married third wife 4/16/1688.; 7, 44.

George Hull

M, b. August 27, 1590, d. December 29, 1659
Father*Thomas Hull1 b. 1547
Mother*Joan Person1 b. 1551, d. November 30, 1629
Relationships8th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
9th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
7th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     George Hull was born on August 27, 1590 at London, England.1 He married Thomazen Mitchell, daughter of Robert Mitchell, on September 27, 1614 at Crekerne, Somerset, England.2 George Hull died on December 29, 1659 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, at age 69.1


Thomazen Mitchell b. 1591/92


  1. [S10] Ancestor.org web site, online www.ancestor.org.
  2. [S14] Ancestry.com, online www.ancestry.com.
  3. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

William Gaylord

M, b. May 21, 1585, d. July 20, 1673
Father*John Gaylord1,2 b. circa 1552, d. May 31, 1607
Mother*Jane Wallin1,2 b. circa 1555, d. ?
Relationships8th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
9th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
7th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     William Gaylord was born on May 21, 1585 at Crewkerne, Somerset, England.1,3 He married Mary Walter circa 1618 at Exeter, Devonshire, England.1 William Gaylord died on July 20, 1673 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, at age 88.2 He was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States.3


Mary Walter b. August 6, 1591, d. June 20, 1657


  1. [S147] Unknown author, Harold Monroe Jr. Walden web site, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hmwalden/…
  2. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
  3. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.

Mary Gaylord

F, b. November 10, 1649, d. ?
Father*Samuel Gaylord1 b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690
Mother*Elizabeth Mary Hull1 b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Relationships6th great-grandaunt of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
7th great-grandaunt of Gary Edward Dunscombe
5th great-grandaunt of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Mary Gaylord was born on November 10, 1649 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1 She married Joseph Griswold, son of Edward Griswold and Margaret (?), on July 14, 1670.1 Mary Gaylord died in ?


Joseph Griswold b. March 12, 1647/48, d. ?


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Joseph Griswold

M, b. March 12, 1647/48, d. ?
Father*Edward Griswold1 b. July 26, 1607, d. August 30, 1690
Mother*Margaret (?)1 b. 1609, d. August 23, 1670
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Joseph Griswold was born on March 12, 1647/48 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1 He married Mary Gaylord, daughter of Samuel Gaylord and Elizabeth Mary Hull, on July 14, 1670.1 Joseph Griswold died in ?


Mary Gaylord b. November 10, 1649, d. ?


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Edward Griswold

M, b. July 26, 1607, d. August 30, 1690
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Edward Griswold was born on July 26, 1607 at Warwickshire, England.1,2 He married Margaret (?) circa 1644/45.1 Edward Griswold died on August 30, 1690 at Killingworth, Middlesex County, England, at age 83.2 He was buried at Indian River Cemetery, Clinton, Middlesex County, Connecticut, United States.2


Margaret (?) b. 1609, d. August 23, 1670


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
  2. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.

Margaret (?)

F, b. 1609, d. August 23, 1670
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Margaret (?) was born in 1609 at Northamptonshire, England.1,2 She married Edward Griswold circa 1644/45.1 Margaret (?) died on August 23, 1670 at Clinton, Middlesex County, Connecticut.2 She was buried at Indian River Cemetery, Clinton, Middlesex County, Connecticut, United States.2


Edward Griswold b. July 26, 1607, d. August 30, 1690


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
  2. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.

Sarah Gaylord

F, b. January 18, 1651/52, d. November 3, 1732
Father*Samuel Gaylord1 b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690
Mother*Elizabeth Mary Hull1 b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Relationships6th great-grandaunt of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
7th great-grandaunt of Gary Edward Dunscombe
5th great-grandaunt of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Sarah Gaylord was born on January 18, 1651/52 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1,2 She married John Alexander circa 1670.2 Sarah Gaylord died on November 3, 1732 at Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, at age 80.2 She was buried at Bridge Street Cemetery, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States.2


John Alexander b. July 25, 1645, d. December 31, 1733


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439
  2. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.

Abigail Gaylord

F, b. September 29, 1653, d. ?
Father*Samuel Gaylord1 b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690
Mother*Elizabeth Mary Hull1 b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Relationships6th great-grandaunt of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
7th great-grandaunt of Gary Edward Dunscombe
5th great-grandaunt of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Abigail Gaylord was born on September 29, 1653 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1 She died in ?


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Samuel Gaylord

M, b. July, 1657, d. 1689/90
Father*Samuel Gaylord1 b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690
Mother*Elizabeth Mary Hull1 b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Relationships6th great-granduncle of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
7th great-granduncle of Gary Edward Dunscombe
5th great-granduncle of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Samuel Gaylord was born in July, 1657 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1 He died in 1689/90.1


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Martha Gaylord

F, b. June, 1660, d. ?
Father*Samuel Gaylord1 b. December 19, 1619, d. circa 1690
Mother*Elizabeth Mary Hull1 b. October 16, 1625, d. May 2, 1680
Relationships6th great-grandaunt of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
7th great-grandaunt of Gary Edward Dunscombe
5th great-grandaunt of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 3, 2017
     Martha Gaylord was born in June, 1660 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut.1 She married Josiah Ellsworth on October 30, 1679.1 Martha Gaylord died in ?


Josiah Ellsworth b. circa 1659/60, d. ?


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Josiah Ellsworth

M, b. circa 1659/60, d. ?
Last EditedOctober 10, 2017
     Josiah Ellsworth was born circa 1659/60.1 He married Martha Gaylord, daughter of Samuel Gaylord and Elizabeth Mary Hull, on October 30, 1679.1 Josiah Ellsworth died in ?


Martha Gaylord b. June, 1660, d. ?


  1. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Mary Walter

F, b. August 6, 1591, d. June 20, 1657
Relationships8th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
9th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
7th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     Mary Walter was born on August 6, 1591 at Exeter, Devonshire, England.1,2 She married William Gaylord, son of John Gaylord and Jane Wallin, circa 1618 at Exeter, Devonshire, England.1 Mary Walter died on June 20, 1657 at Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, at age 65.1,2 She was buried at Palisado Cemetery, Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States.2


William Gaylord b. May 21, 1585, d. July 20, 1673


  1. [S147] Unknown author, Harold Monroe Jr. Walden web site, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hmwalden/…
  2. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.
  3. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

John Gaylord

M, b. circa 1552, d. May 31, 1607
Father*Nicholas Gaillard1 b. 1525, d. ?
Mother*Johanne Newman1 b. circa 1530, d. ?
Relationships9th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
10th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
8th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     John Gaylord was born circa 1552 at Pitminster, Somerset, England.1 He married Jane Wallin on January 15, 1572 at Pitminster, Somerset, England.1 John Gaylord died on May 31, 1607 at Exeter, Devonshire, England.1


Jane Wallin b. circa 1555, d. ?


  1. [S147] Unknown author, Harold Monroe Jr. Walden web site, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hmwalden/…
  2. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439

Jane Wallin

F, b. circa 1555, d. ?
Relationships9th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
10th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
8th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
ChartsGary Edward Dunscombe Pedigree
Katherine Stuart Pedigree
Last EditedSeptember 12, 2020
     Jane Wallin was born circa 1555.1 She married John Gaylord, son of Nicholas Gaillard and Johanne Newman, on January 15, 1572 at Pitminster, Somerset, England.1 Jane Wallin died in ?


John Gaylord b. circa 1552, d. May 31, 1607


  1. [S147] Unknown author, Harold Monroe Jr. Walden web site, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hmwalden/…
  2. [S206] Rulifson genealogy, online http://www.rulifson.org/roots/i0000439.htm#i439