Heilwig (?)

F, b. circa 770, d. ?
Relationships31st great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
32nd great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
30th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Heilwig (?) was born circa 770.1 She married Count (?) Welf circa 790.1 Heilwig (?) died in ?


Count (?) Welf b. circa 760, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Adela (?)

F, b. circa 910, d. ?
Father*Gilbert (?)1 b. circa 880, d. 956
Mother*(?) (?)1 b. circa 910, d. ?
Relationships30th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
31st great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
29th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedSeptember 21, 2023
     Adela (?) was born circa 910.1 She married Robert (?), son of Herbert II (?) and Adela (?), circa 930.1 Adela (?) died in ?


Robert (?) b. circa 910, d. circa 968


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Gilbert (?)

M, b. circa 880, d. 956
Relationships31st great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
32nd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
30th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedSeptember 21, 2023
     Gilbert (?) was born circa 880.1 He died in 956.1


(?) (?) b. circa 910, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

(?) (?)

F, b. circa 910, d. ?
Father*Hugh (?)1 b. circa 880, d. 952
Relationships31st great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
32nd great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
30th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     (?) (?) was born circa 910.1 She died in ?


Gilbert (?) b. circa 880, d. 956


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Hugh (?)

M, b. circa 880, d. 952
Father*Richard (?)1 b. circa 850, d. 921
Mother*Adelaide (?)1 b. circa 860, d. ?
Relationships32nd great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
33rd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
31st great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedDecember 11, 2011
     Hugh (?) was born circa 880.1 He died in 952.1




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Richard (?)

M, b. circa 850, d. 921
Father*(?) Buwin1 b. circa 820, d. ?
Relationships30th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
31st great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
29th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedNovember 12, 2012
     Richard (?) was born circa 850.1 He married Adelaide (?), daughter of Conrad (?), circa 880.1 Richard (?) died in 921.1


Adelaide (?) b. circa 860, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Adelaide (?)

F, b. circa 860, d. ?
Father*Conrad (?)1 b. circa 820, d. 876
Relationships30th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
31st great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
29th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Adelaide (?) was born circa 860.1 She married Richard (?), son of (?) Buwin, circa 880.1 Adelaide (?) died in ?


Richard (?) b. circa 850, d. 921


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Conrad (?)

M, b. circa 820, d. 876
Father*Conrad (?)1 b. circa 800, d. after 862
Mother*Adelaide (?)1 b. circa 800, d. ?
Relationships31st great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
32nd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
30th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Conrad (?) was born circa 820.1 He died in 876.1




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Conrad (?)

M, b. circa 800, d. after 862
Father*Count (?) Welf1 b. circa 760, d. ?
Mother*Heilwig (?)1 b. circa 770, d. ?
Relationships32nd great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
33rd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
31st great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedOctober 28, 2005
     Conrad (?) was born circa 800.1 He married Adelaide (?), daughter of Hugh (?), circa 820.1 Conrad (?) died after 862.1


Adelaide (?) b. circa 800, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Adelaide (?)

F, b. circa 800, d. ?
Father*Hugh (?)1 b. circa 775, d. ?
Relationships32nd great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
33rd great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
31st great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Adelaide (?) was born circa 800.1 She married Conrad (?), son of Count (?) Welf and Heilwig (?), circa 820.1 Adelaide (?) died in ?


Conrad (?) b. circa 800, d. after 862


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Hugh (?)

M, b. circa 775, d. ?
Relationships33rd great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
34th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
32nd great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Hugh (?) was born circa 775.1 He married an unknown person. He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Count (?) Welf

M, b. circa 760, d. ?
Relationships31st great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
32nd great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
30th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Count (?) Welf was born circa 760. He married Heilwig (?) circa 790.1 Count (?) Welf died in ?


Heilwig (?) b. circa 770, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Adela (?)

F, b. circa 895, d. ?
Father*Robert I (?)1 b. circa 850, d. June, 923
Mother*Beatrice (?)1 b. 880, d. 931
Relationships29th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
30th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
28th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Adela (?) was born circa 895.1 She married Herbert II (?), son of Herbert I (?), circa 910.1 Adela (?) died in ?


Herbert II (?) b. circa 880, d. February 23, 943


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

(?) Warine

M, b. circa 1075, d. ?
Relationships24th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
25th great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
23rd great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     (?) Warine was born circa 1075.1 He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Sybylle de Bourgogne

F, b. 1065, d. March 23, 1102
Father*William I (?)1 b. circa 1020, d. November 12, 1087
Mother*Etienette de Longwy1 b. circa 1040, d. after 1088
Relationships2nd cousin 26 times removed of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
2nd cousin 27 times removed of Gary Edward Dunscombe
2nd cousin 25 times removed of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedMay 4, 2005
     Sybylle de Bourgogne was born in 1065.1 She married Eudes (?), son of Henry (?) and Sibylle (?), in 1080.1 Sybylle de Bourgogne died on March 23, 1102.1


Eudes (?) b. 1058, d. March 23, 1103


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

William I (?)

M, b. circa 1020, d. November 12, 1087
Father*Renaud I (?)1 b. 990, d. September 3, 1057
Mother*Alice (?)1 b. 1003, d. after 1037
Relationships1st cousin 27 times removed of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
1st cousin 28 times removed of Gary Edward Dunscombe
1st cousin 26 times removed of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedDecember 26, 2011
     William I (?) was born circa 1020.1 He married Etienette de Longwy circa 1060.1 William I (?) died on November 12, 1087.1


Etienette de Longwy b. circa 1040, d. after 1088


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Renaud I (?)

M, b. 990, d. September 3, 1057
Father*Othon-Guillaume de Macon1 b. 958, d. September 21, 1026
Mother*Ermentrude de Roucy1 b. 958, d. circa 1005
Relationships27th great-granduncle of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
28th great-granduncle of Gary Edward Dunscombe
26th great-granduncle of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedDecember 26, 2011
     Renaud I (?) was born in 990.1 He married Alice (?), daughter of Richard II (?) and Juetta (?), before September 1, 1016.1 Renaud I (?) died on September 3, 1057.1


Alice (?) b. 1003, d. after 1037


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Alice (?)

F, b. 1003, d. after 1037
Father*Richard II (?)1,2 b. August 23, 963, d. 1027
Mother*Juetta (?)1,2 b. 982, d. August 28, 1017
Relationships26th great-grandaunt of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
27th great-grandaunt of Gary Edward Dunscombe
25th great-grandaunt of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Alice (?) was born in 1003.1 She married Renaud I (?), son of Othon-Guillaume de Macon and Ermentrude de Roucy, before September 1, 1016.2 Alice (?) died after 1037.2


Renaud I (?) b. 990, d. September 3, 1057


  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/
  2. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Othon-Guillaume de Macon

M, b. 958, d. September 21, 1026
Father*Adalbert (?)1,2,3 b. circa 945, d. circa 970
Mother*Gerberga (?)1,2,3 b. circa 940, d. circa 990
Relationships1st cousin 29 times removed of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
1st cousin 30 times removed of Gary Edward Dunscombe
1st cousin 28 times removed of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedFebruary 28, 2012
     Othon-Guillaume de Macon was born in 958.1,2 He married Ermentrude de Roucy, daughter of Renaud (?) and Albreda (?), circa 982.3 Othon-Guillaume de Macon died on September 21, 1026.3,2


Ermentrude de Roucy b. 958, d. circa 1005


  1. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.
  3. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Ermentrude de Roucy

F, b. 958, d. circa 1005
Father*Renaud (?)1,2 b. circa 926, d. circa 970
Mother*Albreda (?)1,2 b. circa 930, d. March 15, 973
Relationships28th great-grandmother of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
29th great-grandmother of Gary Edward Dunscombe
27th great-grandmother of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedDecember 9, 2012
     Ermentrude de Roucy was born in 958.1 She married Alberic II (?), son of Lietaud (?), circa 960.2 Ermentrude de Roucy married Othon-Guillaume de Macon, son of Adalbert (?) and Gerberga (?), circa 982.1 Ermentrude de Roucy died circa 1005.2

Family 1

Alberic II (?) b. circa 940, d. circa 981

Family 2

Othon-Guillaume de Macon b. 958, d. September 21, 1026


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/

Adalbert (?)1

M, b. circa 945, d. circa 970
Father*Berengar II (?)2,3,4,1 b. circa 900, d. August 6, 966
Mother*Princess Willa (?)2,4,1 b. circa 925
Relationships28th great-granduncle of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
29th great-granduncle of Gary Edward Dunscombe
27th great-granduncle of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Adalbert (?) was born circa 945.2,3,4 He married Gerberga (?), daughter of Leotald (?), circa 956.1 Adalbert (?) died circa 970.1


Gerberga (?) b. circa 940, d. circa 990


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…, http://www.jedh.com/genealogy/d0001/g0000024.html#12392
  3. [S21] Bingham genealogy project, online http://www.telusplanet.net/public/dkbing/genproj.htm, http:ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dkbingham/GENPROJ.htm.
  4. [S213] SS Hypertree, online http://www.hypertree.com/, http://www.hypertree.com/index.html
  5. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/
  6. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Gerberga (?)

F, b. circa 940, d. circa 990
Father*Leotald (?)1,2 b. circa 910, d. ?
Last EditedJune 23, 2009
     Gerberga (?) was born circa 940.1 She married Adalbert (?), son of Berengar II (?) and Princess Willa (?), circa 956.1 Gerberga (?) died circa 990 at Cheateau de Pouilly, Pouilly Sur-Saone, Bourgogne, France.2


Adalbert (?) b. circa 945, d. circa 970


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.
  3. [S191] Paul B. McBride's Genealogy Page, online http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/

Leotald (?)

M, b. circa 910, d. ?
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Leotald (?) was born circa 910.1 He died in ?




  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Boso of Tuscany

M, b. circa 900, d. ?
Relationships30th great-grandfather of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
31st great-grandfather of Gary Edward Dunscombe
29th great-grandfather of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedApril 22, 2021
     Boso of Tuscany was born circa 900.1 He married (?) Willa, daughter of Rudolph (?), circa 925.2 Boso of Tuscany died in ?


(?) Willa b. circa 906, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Sibylle (?)

F, b. 1035, d. ?
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Sibylle (?) was born in 1035.1 She married Henry (?), son of Robert I (?) and Helie de Semur-en-Brionnais, in 1056.1 Sibylle (?) died in ?


Henry (?) b. 1035, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Helie de Semur-en-Brionnais

F, b. circa 1016, d. April 22, 1055
Father*Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais1,2 b. circa 990, d. 1032
Mother*Aremburge De Vergy1,2 b. circa 980, d. ?
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Helie de Semur-en-Brionnais was born circa 1016.1 She married Robert I (?), son of Robert II (?) and Constance (?), circa 1033.1 Helie de Semur-en-Brionnais died on April 22, 1055.2


Robert I (?) b. 1011, d. March 21, 1076


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais

M, b. circa 990, d. 1032
Father*Geoffrey I (?)1,2 b. circa 940, d. circa 1015
Mother*Maud De Chalons1,2 b. circa 970, d. circa 1010
Last EditedJune 20, 2004
     Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais was born circa 990.1 He married Aremburge De Vergy, daughter of Gerard De Vergy and Elizabeth De Chalons, in 1015.1 Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais died in 1032.2


Aremburge De Vergy b. circa 980, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Aremburge De Vergy

F, b. circa 980, d. ?
Father*Gerard De Vergy1 b. 954, d. ?
Mother*Elizabeth De Chalons1 b. 958, d. ?
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Aremburge De Vergy was born circa 980.1 She married Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais, son of Geoffrey I (?) and Maud De Chalons, in 1015.1 Aremburge De Vergy died in ?


Damas I de Semur-en-Brionnais b. circa 990, d. 1032


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…
  2. [S160] LDS ancestral file, online www.familysearch.org.

Fulk V

M, b. circa 1090, d. 1143
Father*Fulk IV (?)1 b. 1043, d. April 14, 1106
Mother*Bertrada de Montfort1 b. 1060, d. February 14, 1117
Relationships1st cousin 27 times removed of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
1st cousin 28 times removed of Gary Edward Dunscombe
1st cousin 26 times removed of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJune 20, 2004
     Fulk V was born circa 1090.1 He married Ermengard (?), daughter of Helias (?) and Agnes (?), circa 1110.1 Fulk V died in 1143.1


Ermengard (?) b. circa 1090, d. ?


  1. [S111] Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, online http://www3.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/royal/…

Esther Ely

F, b. March 16, 1785, d. August 21, 1786
Father*Christopher Ely1 b. December 7, 1743, d. January 28, 1817
Mother*Esther Hunt1 b. December 16, 1746, d. September 13, 1788
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of (Cecil) Edward John Ferdinand Dunscombe
1st cousin 6 times removed of Gary Edward Dunscombe
1st cousin 4 times removed of Cecil Dunscombe
Last EditedJuly 18, 2017
     Esther Ely was born on March 16, 1785.2,3 She died on August 21, 1786 at age 1.2,3 She was buried at Ely Cemetery, Lyme, New London County, Connecticut, United States.3


  1. [S116] Moses S. Beach, Ely ancestry : lineage of Richard Ely of Plymouth., 86.
  2. [S116] Moses S. Beach, Ely ancestry : lineage of Richard Ely of Plymouth., pg. 86.
  3. [S382] Find A Grave, online www.findagrave.com.